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cheapest car insurance in san diego

San Diego Car Insurance Tips

cheapest car insurance in san diego

San Diego Car Insurance Tips

Are you planning to move to San Diego, California in the near future? Maybe you already live there or in the surrounding area? No matter. If you are a resident or will be shortly, you know that living in San Diego means you are going to be driving. A lot. And that means you need to have car insurance. It is more than a good idea, by the way, it required by law. Getting the right coverage can be confusing no matter where you live, but particularly so in the birthplace of car culture. So here are a few helpful tips specifically for you San Diego car insurance buyers.

Get the full insurance package.

The statutory minimums for vehicle liability insurance in California are: Property Damage - $5,000 for any one accident Bodily Injury - $15,000 for death or injury of any one person, any one accident and $30,000 for all persons in any one accident.

It is important to note that comprehensive coverage, uninsured motorist, medical payments and collision insurance are not required under California law. We all know that the actual costs of an accident, particularly those involving personal injury, can quickly shoot past the statutory minimums. What if the other driver is at fault and carries little coverage or no coverage at all? It is important that you seriously evaluate your own personal financial situation and purchase enough insurance to protect your assets, such as the equity in your home. With property values the way they are in San Diego, that can be quite a lot.

Consider an umbrella policy.

Speaking of large assets, if you have them, you are a target for lawsuits arising from all sorts of situations, including auto accidents. If you have substantial assets, you should consider purchasing an umbrella policy. An umbrella policy is secondary liability insurance that covers you in excess of other primary policies you might have, such as your homeowner and auto insurance. Umbrella policies pay out after the underlying coverage is exhausted. Typically, umbrella policies are written for $1 million or more, but their premiums are relatively cheap. That because they are rarely reached for pay out. So, if you are one of those lucky San Diegans with substantial assets, consider the benefits of an umbrella policy.

Renting a car in San Diego? You may need additional liability coverage.

Although California requires all drivers to have liability insurance, it does not require rental companies to carry it when they rent a car to you. In fact, California is the only state in the nation that doesn. So when you rent a car in San Diego, or anywhere else in the state for that matter, it is your responsibility to make sure you have liability insurance. For most of you, that will not be a problem. If you have auto insurance on your own vehicles, that policy probably covers you when driving a rental. Additionally, many credit cards also automatically cover you if you use them to pay for the rental charges. In either case, make sure to check with your insurance and credit card companies before renting to make sure you are covered. If you are not covered, you should definitely pay the extra cost for insurance through the rental company or seek out a separate non-owner liability policy. Non-owner policies are offered by most major insurers and may be cost-effective if you are a frequent auto renter.

Driving across the border? You really need to get Mexican insurance.

Residents and visitors to San Diego alike often take side trips across the border into Mexico to visit Tijuana or Baja. If that your plan, you need to purchase Mexican auto insurance. It is essential to understand that your U.S. auto insurance policy is not recognized in Mexico. And if you get into an accident there without valid insurance, you could actually be arrested. Therefore, you need to purchase a separate policy before driving south-of-the-border. The good news is that short-term Mexican insurance is easy to find and relatively inexpensive. Check online or with your U.S. insurance carrier.

One more thing. If you plan to rent a car and drive it in Mexico, it is better to rent after you cross the border. Most U.S. rental companies prohibit taking their vehicles into Mexico. If you are uncertain about your U.S. rental, make sure to check your contract or talk with the rental agent before heading south.

cheapest car insurance in san diego

San Diego Car Insurance Tips


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