Why Term Life Insurance No Physical Exam?
term life insurance no physical
Why Term Life Insurance No Physical Exam?
If you are looking for term life insurance no physical examination, there can be three main reasons as to why you are doing so. First is, you want things to get done really fast. The second can be you dread visiting the doctor’s office and the last could be that you are suffering from a medical condition which may lead to insurance denial. Whatever your reason may be, the good news is that you can find coverage. At times such plans can really benefit you.
The problem with term life insurance no physical exam
Even though term coverage without any medical examination is convenient. This convenience comes with a price. By enrolling you without letting you go through the underwriting process, insurance providers are taking an unnecessary risk. They are not sure about your health condition and this is the reason why they charge more.
In some cases premiums for term life insurance no physical exam can be 3 times more than standard coverage. This is way too much for some people, considering insurance plans are already expensive. There are certain ways by which you can keep a check on insurance prices.
Finding Term Life Insurance no Physical Exam
Term life insurance without medical examination is available in two forms. The first is simplified version and second is guaranteed issue term coverage. In both the cases you are not required to undergo any urine or blood test. The insurance company just asks you to answer some simple questions. You should answer these questions with utmost accuracy.
The insurance provider will get your answers verified and they will enroll you only when all the answers are found to be true. You should not lie on any aspect. Even if you have serious medical condition, companies will grant you coverage, but there is no excuse for falsifying answers. You will be denied coverage straight away.
If you are in good health and in urgent need of coverage, apply for both traditional and term life insurance no physical exam. The second type of coverage will be granted instantly. Once your traditional coverage is approved you can turn down the urgent coverage. But make sure you do not use this tactic often. Otherwise, no company will trust you and simply won’t provide you coverage.
The best way to get Term Life Insurance no Physical Exam
If you are sure about your health and can undergo a quick and painless exam but need to enroll fast, here is what you can do. Obtain temporary or short term coverage and at the same time apply for traditional coverage. As you clear the medical examination, you can get enrolled almost immediately. The entire process can be completed in the same day and your coverage will become active as you pay your first premium.
You should be aware that different providers have different stipulations for temporary coverage. In some cases you have limited benefits and you have to answer all the health related questions and may also be asked to undergo medical examination. If you are willing to undergo all these regulations, you will be insured by the time company goes through underwriting process for the traditional plan.
This method can be just as effective as and cheaper than term life insurance no physical exam. This has been the preferred approach of some of our clients. All you are required to do is match the right company with the right customer. If you have any confusion or still not clear which way to go, feel free to contact one of our insurance advisors.
term life insurance no physical